Since there are no pandemic protocols in place at this time, Conseil scolaire Centre-Est will return to following the public health guidelines that were in place for schools prior to the pandemic.

This includes recommending that students and staff stay home when they are sick, sending home students who become sick while at school, and contacting Alberta Health Services when absences due to illness are higher than usual. 

Over time, we have discovered that there are many respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses that are easily transmitted in a school environment. Staying home when sick can significantly reduce outbreaks and decrease disruptions to learning that occur when large numbers of students and staff at a school become ill.

Practicing proper handwashing, using hand sanitizer when washing is not possible, avoiding sharing of food and beverages, and coughing and sneezing into your elbow or away from others, can also help reduce the spread of illness in our schools.

Information about common minor illness and injury in children can be found on the Alberta Health Services HEAL website, including information about the causes, symptoms and home management options for minor illnesses and when to seek medical care. The content comes from experts at Alberta’s Children’s Hospital and Stollery Children’s Hospital.

Our schools are cleaned on a daily basis. When large numbers of students are absent due to illness, we work closely with Alberta Health Services to identify additional cleaning procedures that may need to occur. 

We will continue to communicate with families should the situation evolve.