Conseil scolaire Centre-Est (CSCE) is fully committed to the health and safety of the children and students in its care, as it is to the health and safety of its staff. This guide has been developed to serve as a reference in schools and CSCE facilities, for children, students, staff and parents. The guide serves as a support to our collective responsibility in relaunching for the 2020-2021 school year, as part of the overall recovery plan pursued by the Alberta school authorities. Our students’ learning must continue in a safe, caring and respectful manner.
The guide mainly aims to implement Scenario 1 of the 2020-2021 return to school plan published in June 2020 by the Ministry of Education. Scenario 1 provides for a near “normal” return to school while including additional health measures to reduce risks. But CSCE remains ready for the implementation of scenarios 2 or 3 depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the instructions of the authorities. We must be prepared for any eventuality.
Our thinking is based on the areas that seem essential to us to prepare well:
1. The well-being and safety of students and staff above all else.
2. The pursuit of learning: teaching and assessment regardless of the scenario in place
3. Public health and safety measures for CSCE
a. The importance of risk mitigation
b. The value of everyone’s efforts, collective responsibility
Daily routines in schools will be modified according to the health guidelines provided by public health authorities. These changes are explained in detail in this guide and include:
1. Daily self-assessment to check for symptoms;
2. Increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfection;
3. Rigorous protocols targeting all those who show symptoms;
4. Physical and social distancing;
5. Reorganization of the use of premises and circulation in the school in order to allow more physical distance;
6. The formation of cohort of students;
7. Clear and rigorous protocols for hand hygiene as well as clear expectations for respiratory etiquette;
8. Wearing a mask is compulsory for students in grades 4 to 12 as well as for all staff and visitors;
9. Expectations for the common use of equipment.
The Ministry of Health continues to put in place measures to counter the spread of COVID-19. These measures continue to evolve and will influence the way we do things during the year 2020-2021. At the CSCE, we take Dr Hinshaw’s motto seriously when she advises that we all have our part to play, that we have a collective responsibility and that we must:
1. Take the necessary measures to protect ourselves and others;
2. Maintain a high standard of hygiene;
3. Follow provincial health guidelines whenever possible.
Thank you to the CSCE Leadership Team and school principals for their diligent and hard work in designing this plan and implementing it in each of CSCE facilities. Thank you to everyone for your patience, your understanding and your continued collaboration.
Réginald Roy
Dolorèse Nolette