Press Release

St.Paul, Thursday, July 12: Marc Dumont, Superintendent of Conseil scolaire Centre-Est (East Central Francophone Education), is pleased to announce the appointment of Isabelle Ouellet to the position of Principal of École Voyageur in Cold Lake.

Ms Ouellet has over 26 years of experience in education. She holds a Bachelor of Education Degree in Études françaises and a diploma in Education Administration. She is presently pursuing a Master’s degree in Education at the University of Alberta.

Ms Ouellet has been a teacher at the elementary and secondary levels since 2014, and Vice-Principal for the 2017-2018 school year. She had the opportunity to use her management skills from 2009 to 2014, as the Regional Coordinator of the Committee for Student Achievement (Comité d’amélioration de la persévérance scolaire) with the Outaouais Regional Authority on Education in Quebec.

“It’s with great passion, but above all with the highest degree of motivation that I welcome my new role as Principal of École Voyageur. The projects undertaken at the school and the team that works here make our school shine! Working with a school community that is so involved is an honour, and I’m positive that I’ll be able to foster this collaborative energy even more,” states Ms Ouellet.

“We are pleased to have Ms Isabelle Ouellet join our administrative team. Her contribution as Principal of École Voyageur will guarantee success not only for the students, parents and staff, but also the community of Cold Lake. We wish her great success in her new responsabilities and are very positive about Voyageur’s continued success,” says Marc Dumont, Superintendent.

For Information :

Marc Dumont – Superintendent
